Intermediate Professionals

Whether you just started your banking career and are entering the regulatory domain for the first time, are busy with your first or second career step within the regulatory domain, or even just a curious reader, you can dive into the ReGAware knowledge hub. Here you can learn more about specific regulatory topics or read about general banking topics.

We recently informed you about the DGS report; however, some loose ends still exist regarding DGS. As promises must be followed up, we are excited to delve into another DGS reporting requirement: the SCV file.
Do you recall our first blog on the Deposit Guarantee Scheme (DGS), and are you ready for more? Today, we present to you the first part of the two-part DGS series, where we will provide you with a more detailed overview of this scheme.
In this second blog we will further discuss the broad spectrum of banking laws and regulations.
In this blog we will be discussing the broad spectrum of banking laws and regulations. To find out more, we zoom in on the Compliance department.
In this blog, I will delve more deeply into the bank's lines of defence. This discussion is prompted by the recent name change of the Three Lines of Defence model.
In this blog we aim to provide you with a holistic overview of how banks can organise their C/compliance activities.

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