An introduction


Businesses must comply with a wide range of regulatory laws, regulations and policies. The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA) demand that the information submitted be complete, accurate and timely. Moreover, information is expected to be based on well-governed, accurate data. Our professionals help to develop, implement and maintain effective regulatory compliance programmes that maximise the benefits of our client’s investments and, at the same time, protect their reputation.

Regulatory compliance training programmes

To control regulatory costs it is imperative to have effective regulatory compliance programmes. We are in the process of developing regulatory compliance training courses that give participants a thorough grounding in regulatory reporting requirements and that explain the regulatory reporting data standards. With these courses, you can also create and maintain a culture of regulatory compliance awareness throughout your organisation.

Regulatory guest speaker

Since the start of this century, a tsunami of laws and regulations has emerged. Our aim is to shed more light on these dynamic changes within the regulatory domain through our lectures. Within our talks, we delve into key topics like regulations, governance, and data-driven reporting. As regulatory guest speakers:

  1. We ensure our audience stays engaged and entertained.
  2. We strive to inspire and motivate them to instigate positive changes in the regulatory landscape.
  3. We offer novel ideas and viewpoints to bring fresh perspectives to the forefront.

Regulatory guidance

Do you need more personal guidance to navigate through the regulatory labyrinth? We offer you the possibility of a regulatory content coach. The regulatory content coach provides one-on-one instructional support to regulatory professionals and makes use of a three-step coaching approach:

  1. Co-working
  2. Modelling
  3. Debriefing the challenges of implementation

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